
A Parody

I asked on facebook that people come up with a parody to the Cheer's Theme about facebook. One of my friend's, Michelle, and not just a fb friend, came up with this... which i think is GREAT!!

Catching up with friends on facebook takes everything you got.

Taking a break from your real life doesn’t do a lot.
Wouldn’t you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where people know more than just your name
And they don’t all act the sam...e
You want to be where you can see
That people are who they claim.
You want to be where everybody 
Isn’t vain.
~Michelle Buck



Magdalene has started a silly saying around here: "Don't mess with Momma!" I wonder if this had anything to do with it?


One Fun Dad

With Father's Day coming up, i thought this photo captured the fun our kids have with their Daddy. We were at Fort Snelling for World War II Days, and we had just watched a Swing Dance demo. After a while, we were waiting for the Gun Firing demo, and Gracie wanted to Swing Dance with her Dad. In front of countless people, he did it.

One of the many things i love about my man. He lives in the moment, savoring an opportunity to make a priceless memory with one of his children.


Turning Our Eyes

Thought i would walk through this simple chorus, and what it has meant to me this week.  :-)

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Take your eyes off of anything else. Completely turn your eyes. Not just a bit. Not for just a moment. But completely, steadfastly, resolutely, fix your eyes on Jesus.

Look full in His wonderful face
definitions from dictionary.com (except for His) ~ 
Look: To turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see.
Full: Exactly or directly.
In: Used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits.
His: the great I AM
Wonderful: excellent; great; marvelous.
Face: The front part of the head.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace!
As we turn our eyes toward Jesus Christ, all of the cares and worries here are put in perspective. As we turn our eyes to His excellent Word, we are reminded that this world is truly not our home. As we read and meditate on the Bible, we realize that the hooks of materialism and self-love loosen their grip. We see that it is truly ALL.ABOUT.HIM. all we do. all we say. all we are, to His glory.
When the things of earth, those things that we have set our affections on higher than Christ, grow dim, we can walk in freedom. The freedom given to us in Christ.

We start to see things from His perspective.
We love, because we finally see how He has loved us.
We give, because we finally see how much we have been given.
We forgive, because we know the depths of our own depravity, and how very much we have been forgiven by God in Christ.

We can simply be, because we know that our very breath is given to us by Him.



"Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth,
Will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace."

We sang this little chorus at the end of the service yesterday at Grace Community Bible Church, our new church home. I cannot express how much I needed to hear AND sing the words of this chorus. God knew, though, and there it was.

I think I need to back up. Years ago there were words spoken to me by someone who was a very close friend that have affected me in every relationship I have, creating in me a huge sense of insecurity and fear, even within my marriage. I say this to show you the power of words. Words can build up or tear down. And words last.

I am a blessed woman. I know this. I have wonderful friendships and a wonderful sisterhood around me. Truly, I know how blessed I am. Yet, the enemy of my soul loves to use the fiery dart spoken to me so long ago to cast a shadow over me. And I let him. ugh.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the flaming arrows come and pierce me. My response? To doubt and believe the lies. Why? I guess sometimes it just seems easier to believe the lie. Also, it gets at a place in me that I have struggled with for so long .... wanting to have value to others. I wonder, if we are all honest, don't we all long for that? Possibly it borders on people-pleasing. More likely, I wonder if we have made an idol of finding our value in what other's think of us, or how much we mean to other people? ouch. Oh, Lord, forgive me.

This weekend, the shadow was cast over me, and I reacted. I became emotional, crabby, and short with my kids. Why? Because I questioned my worth and value in a relationship. This really highlighted for me that I still struggle with what was said to me so long ago.

  • That the enemy still had that hook in me. 
  • That I am inherently a people-pleaser. 
  • That I want recognition, adoration, accolades.
  • That I want the praise of men. 
  • That I want acceptance.
This is awful to write and to see in black-and-white. I am fighting back tears. Oh Lord, You are faithful to reveal the dark areas of our hearts. Forgive me.

In worship on Sunday, we sang beautiful, meaningful hymns and choruses. I was fighting tears numerous times, as we sang about our Saviour and what He accomplished for us, and the hope that we have in Him. I saw my own selfishness and how much i looked to humanity for value. I realized that I needed to shift my eyes to the Lover of my soul, and to get these hooks out of my heart. That I needed to let go of this world, and the affections I seek after here, and find all my needs met in Him alone. Only then, i believe, can i truly love freely, without fear. Only then can all of my relationships be free from the baggage of the past.

After the sermon (which was excellent!), i realized i needed to rest in God's sovereign grace. Then we sang a hymn and then the little chorus i opened with. How simple, and yet so profound..... Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Completely. Have your gaze FIXED on Him alone. This must be our perspective.

The things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of HIS glory and grace. It is through Jesus Christ that we can fully enjoy the blessings here, as we traverse upon this sod.

May we truly rest in Him. May we love without fear. May we bring Him glory and honor in ALL that we do.