
Healthy...or not?

A couple of weeks ago, i heard Leslie Vernick on Focus on the Family. I don't usually listen to that program, but i caught the tail end of a conversation that piqued my interest, right before we listen to Alistair Begg. This woman was talking about a relationship her relationship with her mother, and i identified on many levels. Not just the parts about her mother, but about being in emotionally destructive relationships. She wrote this book,   and it has been so helpful to me in many ways. I am not going to share details of my relationships here, but i DO want to recommend this book! 

If you have found yourself in relationships (either in your family of origin, friendships, spouse, children, work-related) that are confusing and painful, i recommend you pick this book up. She is a Christian therapist, but has lived it, and can give insight into some things. There is a quiz she offers, for you to see if you are in or have been in a destructive relationship, which i will link to here. This quiz is in her book, and it really gave me some clarity regarding a couple situations in my own life. She uses the Bible, and i have found her writing to be very helpful, and have found some of my own questions answered.

So, if you have a relationship that causes you anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, or causes you to feel like you are crazy, this is a great first step to take... of course, always take your cares to the Lord, for He cares for you!



  1. Have you ever heard the term "gas lighting"? I believe there are many people who do that. Why I say that is because when you said "people who make you think you are crazy". I know a few of those and I truly believe the term "gas lighting" fits there. It's an interesting phenomena (but really, its just blame shifting and manipulation). I am gonna look into this book. It seems like a good read especially with my nutso family members (I won't name names). Here is one article about gas lighting, although not the best one I've read: http://theweek.com/article/index/239659/what-is-gaslighting

    1. it has been a good resource for me :) I am familiar with gaslighting... oiy!


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