
Help for Parents

Who of us doesn't need some encouragement, conviction, and practical help in the area of raising our children? I am one who definitely does.
Right now my husband is reading a great book by Voddie Baucham called Family Shepherds. I, being a bit nosy about what was being said in the book about children, read a fantastic chapter on formative discipline. Mr. Baucham quotes extensively from puritan Cotton Mather's book from 1699 entitiled "A Family Well-Ordered". Let me tell you, it is worth reading that chapter! I found so much practical, scriptural advice. And all of his quotes from Mather? Totally spot on! I don't want to say too much about it, as it would be great for you to discover the beauty of what is written on your own. 

This morning I decided to try to find Mr. Mather's book to purchase. Joy of joys, i found it for FREE online. It is only 31 pages (16 pieces of paper if you print two-sided), and includes and address to parents, AND an address to children. It is my intent to spend time studying and reading, with my Bible right by my side. 

One more thing: Brian and I will also be doing a study on that chapter on formative discipline together, so that we can be on the same page, working in the same direction, using the Scripture to train, teach, and correct our four beautiful children. 

{note: We do use the Bible in our parenting, often! The way Mr. Baucham writes about how to use it has given me new ideas and ways to incorporate it in our day.} 

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for

 teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in 


2 Timothy 3:16


  1. I will need to check those out. I can always use refining in the area of parenting.

    Have you read JC Ryle's Duties of Parents? It is a short book, very convicting and encouraging about where our focus should be. Free download at https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=boLSVJn_NY-qyATMuYLIDA&url=https://scholar.google.com/scholar%3Frlz%3D1Y3AHUG_enUS538US539%26espv%3D1%26um%3D1%26ie%3DUTF-8%26lr%26q%3Drelated:Kt8IalLop1DWDM:scholar.google.com/&ved=0CB8QzwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNHdI1EliWcA_uF0rOK2faFv8Zsb5w&sig2=5rrLgzNqkD-pMOzptXgZ1g


    1. I believe we have that one in a small paperback :)
      Will need to read that one as well!


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