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Ch, Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes....

I have to admit, i don't like change very much. It gets harder the older i get.

I DO like change when it comes to:
*the seasons
*moving furniture around
*going from dirty to clean (house, yard, room, dogs, kids, people!)
*a seed growing into a fruit, vegetable, flower

But in general, i kick at change.

Because it catapults me into the unknown.
It takes me out of my comfort zone.
It forces me to bend a little here, bend a little there.
it causes me to see my own weakness and lack of control over anything. 

And right now, i have a number of changes occurring.

and i am learning to lean in.
Lean in to CHRIST, my hiding place.
The One who NEVER changes. (Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.)
The One who isn't ashamed of me, of my flailings and my stumblings.
The One who picks me up, brushes off the dirt, and sets me back on the path.

So, i guess in a way,
i am thankful for change.
Because it causes me to draw ever nearer to my Beloved Lord.

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