

As i stated earlier, i am reading Hinds' Feet once again. This book is to me what Pilgrim's Progress is to others. i LOVE Pilgrim's Progress as well, but Hinds' Feet has spoken deeply to me.

The chapter that jumped out to me this time so far is where she has to go through the Desert of Despair. It seems to contradict everything the Shepherd has told her about going to the High Places. She actually has to turn away from the High Places, where she desperately longs to go. The Shepherd lovingly goes WITH her and shows her many things in a dark pyramid. There is the threshing floor on the first floor. Then they travel up stairs to the second floor, which has a Potter at a spinning wheel. Finally they go to the third floor, where there is a fiery furnace. Rocks go in, and beautiful gems come out. Each of those had a beautiful lesson...but that is not what struck me so much.

It was what happened after.

Much-Afraid was walking around the tent area in the evening, when she happened upon a pipe that carried water. At the water-spicket, there was just a little drop coming out every so often. She looked down, and there was a single, beautiful, golden flower catching each drop. It was the only one she had seen. Much-Afraid stoops down and questions the flower, asking it's name.

It's reply?  "I am Acceptance-with-Joy."

Hmm. Okay, Lord. Be it unto me, according to Your will. May i be Your servant, Acceptance-with-Joy.

Things happen. Life is lived in this world that seems to be spiraling out of control. We are all dealt tough blows. We can Accept them with JOY, as the best means for our growth from our Loving, ALL-Sovereign God, or we can fight against them, and HIM, and walk this world tired and weary.

Behold, Your servant, Acceptance-with-Joy.



i am re-reading Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. what an excellent book. it is an allegory about a crippled, disfigured girl who decides to go on a journey to the High Places with the Chief Shepherd. He chooses two companions to go with her up the mountains, and they are Sorrow and Suffering. Interesting choices, methinks. Yet, they were chosen with utmost wisdom and perfect love. i was drawn in again by the attempts of her family, the Fearlings, to keep her from being with the Shepherd, and by their plot to get her to marry her cousin, Craven Fear.

At one point in the first chapter, she is singing a beautiful song that just touched my heart last night. Here it is for your reading pleasure...

"The Song of Songs," the loveliest song, 
The song of Love the King, 
No joy on earth compares with his,
But seems a broken thing.
His Name as ointment is poured forth,
And all his lovers sing.

Draw me-I will run after thee,
Thou art my heart's one choice,
Oh, bring me to thy royal house,
To dwell there and rejoice.
There in thy presence, O my King,
To feast and hear thy voice.

Look not upon me with contempt,
Though soiled and marred I be,
The King found me-an outcast thing-
And set his love on me.
I shall be perfected by Love,
Made fair as day to see
                                  (Cant. 1:1-6)Excerpt from Hinds' Feet...Chapter One


Mine vs. Yours

Today i was reminded of an important lesson: Don't take on anothers' baggage. It isn't mine.

Things have been a bit topsy-turvey lately, and i found myself taking on responsibility for others' actions, that i should never take resposibility for, or trying to "fix" situations that are far beyond my control.  We are each responsible for ourselves.

i was struggling with carrying a very heavy burden, when i was gently reminded that i am to take on Christ's yoke, and learn from Him. Matthew 11:28-30 says
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Hmmm. i had to really pray this over myself today. i realized today how i had taken up someone elses "baggage" and that it was weighing me down. That is not my Lord's heart for me. His yoke is easy and light, because as i take it up, i am walking in His will. The yoke i was choosing to take upon me was heavy and impossible, because it was someone elses junk.

Today, i am now reminding myself to rest under His light and easy yoke, and to cast all my anxieties and burdens on Him, because He cares for me. He is the Blessed Controller of every circumstance, and it is not my place to "fix" things that are not mine.

thanks for listening to me today!



Forgive me for the silence lately. We have dealt with the passing of my Step-dad last Saturday. Funeral is tomorrow, so i should be back at it sometime next week.

Again, sorry for the silence, but there has been NO time to do this. Be back soon.

Know that even through this all, God is working and moving!



i will choose to trust in You Lord, though i don't always understand Your ways.
i will be thankful for the restoration that You have brought in important relationships in my life.
i will praise You that someone we love has found their home with You in heaven.
i will lean on Your everlasting arms for comfort, strength, and support.
i will choose to trust in You Lord.

Today, my step-father went to be with Jesus. To be in the room when someone dies is an experience one can NEVER forget. He is now resting in the everlasting Presence of Jesus Christ.