
Plenty of Promises

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I am reading this book right now (pictured at right). It's an old puritan book from the mid-1600's. It is chock-full of the promises of God to His people. It is challenging me more than i had anticipated, and causing me to see that some things had been stuck in my head, and were having a hard time making their way to my heart.

The reason they couldn't get into my heart fully? fear.

Here are some of the amazing truths (from pages 2 & 4):
  • God comes with "plenteous redemption" for me, wretch that I am. (Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.)  
  • God will be (and is) mine. (Jeremiah 32:38-40)
  • He is my refuge and my rest (Psalm 90:1; 46:1)
  • He is my heritage and my hope. {whoa.} 
All of these things are true for you too, if you are in Christ. I am personalizing them for me, because i am simply trying to get them to penetrate my heart. 

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