
Free From Facebook

it has been 6 months since i left facebook.
i am still alive.
and kicking.

i hopped on my husband's the other day, and i can honestly say i don't miss it.
at all.

I am finding that when i talk to people, it actually forces a conversation, because,
i didn't see your post on fb.
how was your weekend?

an observation from a former fb user:
Facebook has done something to our culture. Something i am not a fan of. It has given people a boldness to say things publicly online, that they would not dare to say face-to-face. Why say it online for the world to see, if you are not willing to say it if the person were standing right in front of you?  You may think you are hiding behind the screen, but at some point, reality has to be faced. We need to have the same standard for "facebooking" as we have for conversations that are face-to-face.

Which leads me to another observation:
Some things are better kept private between people, not plastered all over fb for the world to see your disagreement. Some of the things i saw posted grieved me.

We need to learn the art of discretion again.

I am not saying that fb is all bad either.  I see it used for good. I know that people use it to post verses and encouraging songs, sermons, and snippets for the edifying of the Body of Christ.. Kudos!! Keep it up!

I may or may not return to facebook. For now, i am content NOT being on it. And i have decided that for another good chunk of time, i am not going on my husband's account either. If you are a facebook user, may i humbly suggest that you think twice before you post once? It can be used for God's glory...


  1. I think it is ironic that social media is meant to connect us like Facebook and texting and email seems to drive us further apart. We have been on the receiving end of hostile messages through these avenues. The problem is you can't hear inflections and people don't think carefully before they type. It's easy to attack someone without being face to face. It's easy to take offense to something that has nothing to do with you. I am only weeks into leaving fb and I have so much extra time. I do miss it some. But I don't miss the drama related to it.

    1. in a world where we are so "connected", i have seen we we are more disconnected than ever. Many young adults have lost the art of conversation face to face..

      If you decide to stay off fb, i think you will start to see that there isn't much to miss. The people i have relationships with, i still talk to and email :)


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