
M2C Monday

Okay.. i am totally late in this today, and am not even gonna get a nice post here... had a busy day!

I DID go to my doctor last Tuesday, and it was fantastic. Got some much needed info and had bloodwork done.  Turns out that my vitamin D is pretty low, and my cholesterol is elevated. We talked about some dietary changes, and i will be checking in with him in about a month.

NOW... HERE is my STARTING WEIGHT for this journey:   181.4 pounds. GOAL: 155 lbs.

God has given me the strength needed! i am so excited to be on this journey. i will not be weighing myself at home. just when i go to check in at the doctor.



  1. I have a Vit D deficiency (or I had one) and it was really hard. I was at an 11. Anyway, once I started taking Vit D, so much of my moodiness, tiredness, and fatigue just went away. I heard that this can also cause anxiety so getting the proper vitamins is really important! Anyway, so many people in the midwest have this...it's crazy. I even talked to a gal who lived in TX and got it. So its pretty common. Glad you got it figured out though! I am about the same weight you are. I would love to lose the weight at some point but right now, I can only do walking -- so that's about what I'm going to do. Use an exercise ball for ab exercises. Those work great!

  2. i do walking as well. i don't belong to a gym or anything....so i have to push myself a bit harder when i do walk :)

    i am gonna get the vitD... i never even thought of that, but the doc told me he was going to have it checked, along w/everything else. The book Made to Crave is really making me think of why i want to eat when i am not hungry, which is making a BIG difference for me.

  3. Hey new blog friend :):) I didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just deleted the Fat Mom blog... I moved here: http://justmydailynotes.blogspot.com/

    Anyways... I'm still on the journey with ya! Excited that you are excited! :):)


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