
Made to Crave Monday (M2C Monday)

179.1 on February 17
Here we are... i missed last week of blogging, as i had sick kids. Friday i took Jey to the doc, since he was complaining of an earache. Yep, ear infection. While there, i took the opportunity to weigh myself on the scale at my doctor's (upstairs from Pediatrics).

i had no expectations, as it had only been 17 days since i had last weighed-in.

coat and shoes off.

step on scale....

179.1!! WOW! i was down from 181.4 on January 31st.

so, so thankful for all the changes that God has wrought in my heart these past months. He is all to me. I am able to see food as fuel, and NOT as my comforter.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

I did have an interesting moment a week ago...
i have been eating smaller portions since i have been listening to my body to see when i am satisfied. One evening, i served myself dinner, and was already planning seconds while my first portion was still on my plate. I didn't quite finish my 1st serving, when i realized i was more than satisfied.. i was  FULL! I couldn't have eaten another bite! There went my big plans for seconds :)  This was interesting to me because it seemed like in just one day my stomach shrank!!

i am grateful.

Next week, more from the book :)


  1. Have you been doing this study on your own? I have been. Just read chapter 6 today. I thought it looked like you had lost weight yesterday...
    Please message me on fb, because I might forget to check back here.

  2. I am :) I have msg'd you!

  3. Jeanette, you have inspired me to read the book! It is so encouraging to see the scale numbers go down but even greater than that is the focus on God.

    I have to admit that I sometimes find the connection between food and sexual purity well...trite. And yet, God thought enough about food that he gave lists in the O.T. all about just that subject. As well as Sexual purity. Keep up the good work and thank you for your blog posts.


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