

We are learning about attentiveness right now. I learned something new today (which, by the way, is one reason i love homeschooling, even on the tough days).

Did you know that the sense of hearing is the FIRST of the five senses to function in the womb? And, interestingly enough, it is the LAST sense to stop functioning at death?

I had no idea it was the first sense to work. That was pretty cool. Also, was reminded that the morning  my Dad passed away, he heard God's Word read, and God's praises sung. My Pastor mentioned that i would look back and find that it was a blessing to be there when he went, and today i realized that it truly was.

Thank you, dearest Heavenly Father, for the gift of hearing.


  1. Interesting. Yes, what a gift.

    Brad told one of the kids at dinner last night that listening was the most important thing-joking that that is why God gave us 2 ears and one mouth. They had never heard that before and thought it was funny.

    1. that is great!! yeah, i tell myself that there is a reason we have 2 ears! Less talking, more listening.

  2. That's beautiful Jeanette :). I've been learning to use my ears more this week. Had a few moments where the kids just bursted out in anger at me and I wanted to yell right back but instead I was quiet and went to my room and had to think about what they really said, not so much they way they said it. So hard to do though. I literally wanted to backhand the one for being so disrespectful. Still trying to figure out the root of the issues, but I do think listening is a lost art.

    1. Good that you could calm yourself down first. that is so hard to do at times. Self-Control... :) I have talked to one of ours about bursting out towards siblings, and i say that we need to use self-control and treat others with dignity. seems to be helping that one right now.

      Respect is huge, and we are talking about that at our house too, how you say something and your body language too.


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