

pic taken with flash

February 25-26, 2011 marks the weekend that i was given this beautiful glass piece by a sweet friend. I attended a conference (i am not a conf. junkie, so it was a rare event for me) put on by a church in Hudson, WI. There were two beautiful women, Carla and Kristi, who talked to me about it, friends on facebook and through the bloggy-world. At this conference i would get to meet them for the first time, and what a meeting it was! When i was given this sun-catcher, made by Kristi, i was floored. The conference hadn't even started yet, and i was in tears. I went to that place broken crushed and undone. My life was a mess. It was literally my last effort at keeping my life together.  These women knew what had been happening, and i believe they prayed me there! Kristi handed me the package, and simply said, "Victory". Little did i know just how much victory would be mine as a result of the Word of God sung by Sara Groves, the Word of God taught by Susie Larson, and the prayers of so many on my behalf. That weekend literally changed my life. God restored me, emotionally and spiritually. I left that place Saturday afternoon a different person... i was FREE. I had HOPE. God had brought about VICTORY.  I am celebrating the awesome work God did then, and continues to do now.

Things did not magically get better in my life. I still had difficulties to walk and work through, but i knew i was no longer alone. I knew that God had a purpose for me. I knew that God was carrying me tenderly in His amazing arms.

This past autumn and winter have been difficult in many ways, including the death of my earthly dad, Ben, on January 25th. Through it all, i have learned to lean in closer to my God, to my Jesus. I have learned to focus on Christ...to keep my eyes fixed on Christ. I have learned to praise Him in the midst of some of the deepest pain i have gone through in my life, for He is worthy. I have learned to allow myself to be loved. Loved by God in Christ, and loved by others. Love without fear.

I have learned to do battle from a place of victory, as the enemy is defeated in the end.

All in all, that one little word, spoken almost 2 years ago now, has changed me. It has become my reality. VICTORY.... IN JESUS!  Victory..... in the cross of Christ. VICTORY!

This precious gift hangs in my kitchen window. It is stunning as it catches the light, and makes little rainbows in my kitchen. And when i see it...it reminds me of all that God has freed me from,  and of all the promises of God that are mine in Christ.

Thank you, Kristi, for such a precious gift in that one word, and for the physical reminder of it.  

w/o flash
**There are many who have prayed with/for me through the years... thank you to all of you. God is faithful.


  1. I am so glad to know you. You are a special sisterfriend!

    1. Thanks, Kristi. I am glad to know you!!!! God is so wonderful :)

  2. Love you J and blessed to be in your life. You are someone I look up to and admire because of the beauty God has given you.

    1. All glory to our great God... He has allowed fire to purify, and i am learning to lean into it.


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