
Shared From Desiring God

A soft answer turns away wrath, 
but a harsh word stirs up anger.
proverbs 15:1

I just read an article that was very timely. Going Soft Against Wrath by Ray Ortlund

This is just spot on.. and something the Lord has been working in me the last number of months. It sure is one difficult principle to live out! My flesh just wants to rise up and be angry right back, or insult, or be sarcastic when i am hurt. That always make things better worse. God has a much better way. reply with a soft answer, and trust the results to Him.


  1. Hi, this is Rebecca from Blogging Obsession dropping by to let you know that you've been chosen as this month's featured blogger! :)


    1. Thank you, Rebecca!! What a surprise :-)
      I really appreciate you spreading the word about this bitty blog.


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