
Happy Consequences -or- A Disposition of Gratitude

Gratitude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Disposition: A person's inherent qualities of mind and character. (thanks, google, for simple definitions.)

I am generally a grateful person. At times, i fail, as we all do. I grumble and complain that i don't have this and that. I look at what others have that i don't, and get grumpy. I can pout. i know, shocking! ;)

I notice that i can get less and less thankful for what i DO have, and more and more hungry for the things this world tells me i need. When that starts to happen, i also lose sight of the "good" in my life, as i am so focused on the negatives. I begin to major on the minors, if you know what i mean. Suddenly, the faucet in my bathroom looks ugly, because....didn't you see that really cool one in the magazine? Suddenly my closet seems to have nothing in it (when in all actuality, my closet is bursting with clothes), because....didn't you see all those really nice, new clothes at the store (and i ain't talkin' 'bout the thrift store).
NOTE: I am a very thrifty shopper and do enjoy thrift stores!! Sometimes though...

Do you see what happens so quickly? We get our eyes off of Christ, and onto the things of this world, and we get hooked. We get ensnared. We can grow a love in our hearts for this world that surpasses our love of Christ, which is idolatry by the way.

How do we combat this?

The most important way is by renewing our minds in the Word of God. We are to fix our eyes on Christ, and one great way of doing that is starting the day with a time of Scripture reading.  I have been camped out in the Epistles lately. Man! That will give you some serious perspective!
Philippians 4:11-13 says,
"Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Another way is to study in Scripture what we are to "put off" and "put on". We are to put off discontentment and covetousness, and put on contentment.  We are to put off enviousness and put on the quality of rejoicing with others.

I saw this card with a friend, and purchased it. it says
Happy Birthday on top. This card captures how i
want to live my life: FREE and full of joy in
Christ, with hands opened and eyes to Him.
A great way to develop contentedness and gratefulness is with a list. This past weekend, i had one of many great conversations with a dear friend. I had asked her what all the journals were that she kept (there were four of them!). One caught my attention: it was a journal for her to list the good things in her life, and the things she was grateful for. I was honest enough to say that i just hadn't done that since it seemed to be so "trendy" for a while. Yet, when she was sharing her heart behind why she does it, something clicked. I realized that there are so many good things in my life, and that writing them down would help me to remember. To remember God's goodness, provision, blessing, help, and strength. To see just how many good things there are on any given day. I have begun my own little book, and i am calling it: Good Things -or- A Disposition of Gratitude: A Journal. It has been a most excellent exercise. Today was my 2nd day writing in it, and it was already a beautiful thing to look back over yesterday's entries.
Here are just a few things in it:

  • a walk in the crisp Autumn air as the world wakes up.
  • friends around our table for food and fellowship.
  • our space heater!
  • flowers (roses, gaillardia, tall asters, daisies, ring flowers) in the house from my garden in mid-October.
  • lego creations from scratch.
  • music! music! music! 
  • salvation.
  • my Bible
  • the book of Proverbs
  • a long conversation and prayer with a child: difficult and beautiful at the same time.
  • walks with my husband.
  • laughter. 
  • sunshine and a friend.
  • a new kitchen timer.
Today, i took my kids to the Dollar Tree and had them each pick out a little notebook. I bought new pens. We took them home and then i explained what they were for. I had them each start their own Good Things, or gratefulness journal. One of my kids called theirs "Good Things or Happy Consequences". We keep them in a little basket in the living room so that they don't get lost, and so they can fill them in any time they want. They keep their new pens with the journals. I think it will be a treasure to them in months to come, as they remember all the "little" things, and the not-so-little things. 

Happy Consequences. Just makes my heart smile.


  1. This reminds me of a conversation with M after you gave her the bunny ears and J got the pink purse. She was complaining and crabby (oh how coveting manifests itself!) that J got the pink purse when Ms favorite color is pink. I said, "how about instead of complaining and whining, you be thankful for what you were given and happy for your sister who was given that pink purse?" It actually shut down the whining! And if she brought it up again, i reminded her to be thankful for the ears and happy for her sister. I am learning how when we are to put off one sin we do need to replace it with something godly. I hope that God will give me more wisdom in this putting off and putting on.


    1. He answers when we cry out for wisdom! :)

  2. I was trying to think of that exact verse today for the kids! Funny! But tonight Simeon flipped on this show about these brothers that help fix up a dream house. This couple had a budget of $700,000! So they take this couple through this house and show it to them--but its super nice and not a restoration house at all. Very pristine and updated. It was 1.5 million dollars and so then the lady is all mad because they can't afford it. So then they show them a few dumpy houses and promise to fix one of them up. The one only has 3 bedrooms. She has 2 dogs and 2 kids and she says "We asked for four!" The entire show just made me cringe. It was so materialistic. One of their must-haves was a pool. Seriously? Must be rough! So anyway, the show went off and I said "I am never watching that show again. It just makes me jealous and envious that I don't have a nice house". So yeah...I am with you on that one. Some things tend to bring out the worst in us--for me, it's home improvement shows. Materialism is so ugly. As for the little journal ideas, that's great! I love it. I need to get a new journal and start something like that. I'm not very good at being thankful. Over the past few weeks, God has really shown me areas where I can be thankful though and even in the midst of all the complaints around here, I'm the thankful one which is weird. Usually I'm the one complaining and whining. But lately God has changed my heart in that area. It is definitely because I am learning to spend time in the word, to focus on Christ, to put off complaining and put on thankfulness. It's a process. I have little reminders all over my house--on the refrigerator, next to my bed, on my phone, on the bathroom mirrors, in the school room. I need constant reminders. Sometimes you have to treat your sins like you are at war. And that is what I have been doing lately--surrounding myself with God's word and shutting off facebook, social media, even new articles on the internet and Netflix. All of it is just noise! Anyway, its fun seeing you and Andrea online a few times a week though. Thanks for encouraging me!!

    1. Thanks for your insight, Michelle! I used to watch Trading Spaces way back when we had cable (for free) at an apartment. I loved watching what they did, but you can imagine how discontented i could become, living in 950 sq. feet with 5 other people! Praise God for how He is teaching you (and me, and all of us!!). I have reminders up all over my house, and i am constantly reading God's Word on post it notes, index cards, papers taped everywhere!! I don't even care how it looks... because it IS war against our sin. And God's Word is the weapon. :)

      Ah... all the "noise". I am finally beginning to hear more clearly, when i shut off all the noise of the world. His Word is so precious.

      thank YOU ladies for encouraging me! Love the midweek conversations here.

  3. John calls HGTV "covet-r-us". It makes me mad, but there's truth to it. I watch some anyways, usually when I have a migraine and the kids are around because I can't do much of anything with a migraine when I'm trying to get rid of it.

    It's so difficult to shut off the noise, but so important. God teaches us when we take the time to read His word, listen and reflect. Journaling is particularly helpful for me in the war against sin. It is a battle Michelle!

    I find myself checking in here to hear what you two have to write. Let us keep pressing into Christ and clinging to His promises as He grows and sanctifies us bit by bit.



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