
Real love. Really.


  1. I want to eat pizza at their house.

    1. no doubt! We know the house number from the video...let's just drive to Portland!

  2. Yes. Oh my. This is good. Going to pass this on right now to someone I know will weep while watching and be renewed in steps being taken. I am challenged so much about my selfishness-and my seeming unwillingness to lay down my life for someone else.

    1. I will pray that the person you send it to finds courage in Christ! It is so hard to lay down our own selfishness, our own ambitions, our will, wants, and ways. the Lord is so faithful to pilot us, the Captain of our Salvation! the freedom we find in laying our lives down is amazing. There is pain when you love that way, but a deep, abiding joy in Christ as well.

    2. also, when we love this way, we can be misunderstood, and that brings a pain too. This I know, that Christ is glorified when we willingly lay down our lives for the benefit of another. {took me YEARS to learn this...and i am still a'learnin!}

    3. You're right, the misunderstood part can be so difficult. Sometimes I have found that the decision (or even pondering the decision) to lay our life down for a certain person or in a certain area can be exhilarating and free-feeling (in a godly way), but walking it out day by day can be so difficult.


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