
M2C Monday

Good Day, Fellow Cravers!!

cuz that is what we are. whether or not you are working the book by Lysa or not, we are ALL cravers. We all crave something: food, clothes, sex, money.... on and on it can go.

The goal? to CRAVE God, alone! When i am feeling like i want to go shopping (b/c i have had a bad day, 1/2 day, hour) it is because i am trying to satisfy my craving for peace, happiness, belonging. When i turn to the kitchen and i am NOT hungry, i am trying to satisfy a craving. Maybe it is even because i am bored. So in that moment, what am i craving? meaning, activity, purpose? Where can i go for that, instead of to food? I can go to GOD, in His Word.... and there are no regrets. no guilt. no fear when i am turning to my Lord to satisfy my cravings.

I worked on the introduction more this past week. We may have M2C Mondays for a LONG time!!! Here is a quote from page 16 in the intro:
"God made us capable of craving so we'd have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them.   Getting healthy insn't just about losing weight. It's not limited to adjusting our diet and hoping for good physical results. It's about recalibrating our souls, so that we want to change--spiritually, physically, and mentally. And the battle really is in all three areas."  ~Lysa TerKeurst, Made to Crave, pg. 16
So, i have been asking God to give me the "want to" to make the changes that are needed. The power of the Holy Spirit is available to all of us to make the changes we need/want to make. Spiritual changes.. Going to God first, not food or shopping, or other people.

I have been eating less (eating til i am satisfied, not overly-full), and choosing more healthy foods. Simple changes, really... like adding a banana in the morning. Adding fruits/veggies definitely helps! There are practical things i am doing, so that changes are being made in the physical areas.

Making changes in my thinking (mentally) has been the most exhausting, to be honest! I am constantly thinking about WHY am i wanting to eat! I want my reasons to be right. And until it becomes second nature, i am going to have to ask myself the "why" questions. i am standing on the promises of God...they are for me, and for you!  We were not made to be in bondage to food (or whatever else we turn to). We were made for FREEDOM in Christ!!

ok... here is my Monday weigh in: 184 (This is my week...and i literally gain about 2-4 lbs. in water weight!)   the scale cannot reflect the changes inside me, and to be honest i was a bit disappointed (even though i know where i am in my cycle). I can't pay too much attention to the numbers :)  The numbers are not what matters....
my jeans are roomier (a little!). sometimes our weight may remain the same, but we are losing!
My husband and a couple other people have noticed a change in my body size!! And it DOES feel good to hear "wow... have you been losing weight?" But that is my opportunity to say "Yes, because i am turning to God, and not food." AND I DO SAY THAT!!!!

To GOD alone be the GLORY, for GREAT things He has DONE!

How was your week? 


  1. Yes, yes, yes, yes!

    Craving God alone - this is something I have really been working on. Filling the spiritual need because I believe that most of my emotional eating is when I try to control life myself rather than rely on Him. Every day I have to tell myself to make God top priority - food, I've discovered, can be just as much of an idol as anything else. I'm learning to set it aside and rely on spiritual nourishment.

    Great post!

  2. amen... this book has rewired my thinking in this area :) Glad you stopped in!!!! i am enjoying your blog..


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